For customers with surplus spare parts but no process, time or resources to sell these we can help you with our selling service.
EMP can provide different levels of service for you from only administration to taking over your products in consignment.
We offer this service for Semiconductor related parts, spares and in agreement possibly tools or equipment.
Program Basic: We only provide the administration services
Program Medium: We will sell the parts for you on ebay and/or via our website You have to provide all product details, pictures etc, warehousing and shipment
Program Full:
Parts will be send to the EMP warehouse. We handle everything for you like provide all products pictures and P/n’s, sell it and ship to to the buyer.
After publishing your products we store the products average period of 6-12 months. Hereafter we either scrap the parts (incl certificate) for you or you can have the parts send back. Emp store the parts in a secured warehouse in the Netherlands.
In all programs you decide the end-pricing.